Our Approach
Outsourced Risk Management Solutions helps lenders manage their property risk program by evaluating, developing, implementing and monitoring their due diligence policies and procedures — all in the context of our client’s risk tolerance. In doing so, ORMS:
- Brings market knowledge, expertise and strong professional relationships — in the financial services and environmental industries, and with regulators — to your team.
- Orders, screens and evaluates environmental reports.
- Utilizes the latest software — including a state-of-the-art web platform — to manage your due diligence program and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
- Calls upon a nationwide network of due diligence specialists to ensure clients get the right person for the task at hand.
- Provides continuous education on industry topics in face-to-face meetings and webinars.
- Keeps clients abreast of all rules, regulations and laws to ensure ongoing regulatory and policy compliance.
- Works as a natural extension of the bank to enable lenders to do more with less.